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UX / UI Project

Redesigning HSL ticket validator UI for new zones in 2018

The project was to understand the existing interaction steps, identify the key issues that the user faces and redesign the user interface and interaction of the current system for new tariff zones in the Capital Region of Finland for 2018. 


The inspiration for this project emerges from the new zonal map, which brings a better mental model of the zones at the same time communicate a smooth transition from current to new zones. 

Our aim was to deliver the same service path for one and additional  passenger to guarantee consistent usability path to avoid confusion between these choices.

Client / 



My Role / 

Research / Concept/  UX / UI 


Course work / 

2 week Interaction Design


Team -members / 

Astri Eiterstraum, Gyöngyi Fekete Lauri Käkelä and Yu Chao Chien


Year / 


Steps for buying Group tickets (18) for new zone AB

Design Brief & Process

1. Improving the Interaction and user Experience of the current system 


2. RE-designing the Interaction Interface and for new Helsinki zones in 2018 

Current UI : Buying a value ticket

Heuristics Evaluation


  • Easy to buy Group tickets.

  • Simple and responsive.

  • Fail-proof : Cancel / Ok button.

  • One hand use.


  • Which to interact first?

  • Confirmation page goes too fast.

  • Holding card for 3 secs is not intuitive.

  • Cancel button = Back button.

  • OK button is not size consistent.

Design Drivers 

Identifying problems & proposed changes

Ideation & Prototyping



<Prototyping in Flinto>

<Concept trials> 

User testing


After making the working prototype in Flinto (software) our team did user-testing with different age groups people. Also we went outside to public places and collected feedback from people visiting Helsinki (tourists), international students and elderly who often uses one mode of transportation's such as Tram to commute. Several of the comments were incorporated in our concept.

Final Concept

UI for buying a value ticket

Comparison - HSL version v/s our Concept


Even though this was a classroom project, it was great learning experience to work on this project. The research helped us to understand the user needs, as well as, understanding how user interacts with the user interface and have a mental model from the previous design. However, based on our user testing we found different age  groups and non-native people have different requirements, hence its important to address their needs as well.  we could have improved the
With our iterative design process, we could solve most of the pain points and test the usability of our design. It would have been great to be able to test this design in a real environment and know what it takes to develop this kind of design. 

 "The world is but a canvas to our imagination" Henry David Thoreau

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