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 UX / Visual Design 

Case Study -Redesigning VIRTA EV Charging app

The project is a self initiated case study project to understand the process of re-designing an app.  Other goal is to showcase my design skills to give a clearer view how I can learn and  perform with mobile design as well as understanding the specifications related to visual design. 


The inspiration for this project emerges from the desire to learn and improve as a designer. In this case my role is to understand the current app information architecture along with user flow and improve the usability aspects along with designing the wireframes and  screen layout for ios platform.

The project is done in 2 week time with end deliverables as a working prototype made in sketch and invision. 

Company / 

Virta Global

My Role / 

Research / Concept/  UX / UI 

Case study / 

2 week short project

Year / 



Virta is a EV charging company based in Finland. The company provides platform as a service (PaaS) and one of their services - VIRTA Mobility helps  to connect EV drivers to nearby charging stations. 


The mobile and web application allow users to


  • Find available charging station 

  • Reserve a charging point

  • Start charging and pay automatically

Original App Screenshots


Task flow, Information Architecture, User journey and  Competitive bench-marking 

Key Problems,

Usability & Visual  issues

Proposed changes, Initial  concepts & Wireframes

Changes made related to addition of Filter, Reminder, Invision prototype and comparative view


Understanding the task flow
User Journey and Touchpoints
Bench-marking (competing apps) 

2.Design Opportunities

Key problems

Bad information architecture. Slack interaction flow. Repeat of information. No presence of Filter to reduce the un-necessary information that might not be relevant for certain users while making a selection. 


The overall architecture is unbalanced. Interactive experience is not smooth.  Visual design is not supporting the brand guidelines. 


Mobile app and website style (for registration) looks completely different.

Usability & Visual issues

Consistent locations of the buttons on the MAP screen and List Screen.

Less visibility of stations indicated on the select station screen 

Repeat of information on the socket available / maximum power output  and cluttered looks

rating goes for each Machine (1042, 1043…or for ONE Fixed location

Under Settings- Icons  there  is repeat about the PLUG TYPES and SOCKET TYPES? 

The website link used for registration looks very different to the app look and feel. 

3. Concept Design

Proposed changes

Users be able to charge at home and/or at work (referred to as private or semi-public charging) and to manage the chargers they use. The users are expected to be able to: 


  • Select location

  • Reserve charging point

  • Start and Stop charging

  • Get charging status

  • Get charging summary



Additional changes 


Use of Filter as a function to help users to see only relevant informations. 

Reducing un-necessary step and repeated information

More consistency related to brand colours 



<white boarding> 

< Rough Wire-frames>

Initial concept / wire frame

4.Final Concept 

Comparative views
Current version
Re-designed version
Deeper understanding of UX and Visual design related to mobile app design challenge. Enhanced UX and visual design skills from research to design.  Gained experience from learning new skills such as Sketch and Invision. 

Understanding the fact that designer must have the ability  to quickly and efficiently give a design proposal which is not only from usability perspective, but also looks good to present according to the brand guideline and system design. 
Anchor 1
Anchor 2
Anchor 3
Anchor 4

 "The world is but a canvas to our imagination" Henry David Thoreau

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