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Product, Service and User Experience

Joy of sharing pregnancy experiences

This project aims to find novel and comfortable solutions for healthcare and well-being with a combination of innovative future products and services providing great user experiences: a seamless integration of hardware, software and services. 

The objective was to produce research insights, visual presentations, creative wearable product concepts, models and prototypes and even new kinds of business model ideas

The project was done in collaboration with Toshiba Design center in Japan along with Chiba University and Aalto University. 

Client / 

Toshiba (Japan)


My Role / 

Design Research, Concept development, UX / UI


Course work / 

8 week - Advance product design

Team -member / 

Anton Anala, Yue Hu

Year / 


Design brief & Process

Solution for healthcare and well-being with a combination of innovative future products and services providing great user experiences Pregnancy in 2020

Research Analysis

Three emerging themes (Emotional Connection, Sharing Experiences and Understanding Baby's need)

Product development

<Mood board>
<3D model and 3D Print>


E-Moi  is a combination of product, service and experience


It is a combination of hand-held device with sensors (to measure heart beat for example) and is connected with user’s mobile phone.


The service aspects are linked with information's that are sent and received with medical experts during and after pregnancy. 


The experience aspects is about feeling, and sharing the special moments that the pregnant women goes through for nine months. 

UI examples 

Flow of usage map

Usage Scenario / Storyboard



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 "The world is but a canvas to our imagination" Henry David Thoreau

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