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Service Design Project

Evaluating the Service needs for Kalasatama Health Center

This service design project is for the new Kalasatama Health and Welfare Center, which is planed to start its services in 2018. City of Helsinki collaborated with students from Aalto University to improve services in the new health and welfare center. Our team suggested building the new online booking system ‘VIVO’ with the online diagnosis system. It enables to help patients understand their needs at that moment before booking and visiting the center, minimize unnecessary calls, and decrease the irrelevant bookings. More possibilities around this idea, i.e., creating a united online booking platform for health services with online queuing services and e-profile that can be shared to other public services in Finland.

Client / 

City of Helsinki


My Role / 

Research / Concept /  UX / UI 


Course work / 

7 week - Designing for Services


Team -member / 

Jaeyong lee, Emma-Sofie Kukkonen, karloline Kwon and Eevi Saarkoski


Year / 


Design Brief

To create a “new process for evaluating the service needs and creating personalized journeys in the Kalasatama health and welfare centers”, or optimization of the first contact.


The solution will be implemented in the Kalasatama health and welfare center, opening 2018, which will be the first to combine all health and social services under one roof.

Design Process

Background research

The process was started by conducting background research of existing materials produced about Kalasatama and its future end users as well as conducting email interviews of heads of different departments that are going to be in the new center.


After that the team conducted interviews of the customers of Kallio health care center. From that we gathered four main themes. - ownership of the service, communicating the service, transparent process and optimization of the first booking. 

Explorations - Customer Journey Map through Lego blocks
Key Challenges identified
Developing initial Ideas 

At a certain point we started sketching the first initial concepts. We aimed to produce as great a variety of solution opportunities as possible. Some of the concepts were even a bit overlapping. Together we selected eight ideas and defined them a bit further in order to probe the customers’ opinions about them in the workshop phase.

Evaluation of the ideas

Through Co-design workshop - We decided to base the workshop on the interview findings since we wanted to dig deeper both into people’s experiences and specific factors that form a good service experience, especially in the field of health and social services.

<Initial ideas>



Our final solution is comprised of a palette of functions to be added to the current booking and diagnosis system. The spearhead and first step of these is an online service need assessment tool to be added to the Helsinki city website. 


This would aid customers to better understand their service needs before booking, decreasing unnecessary calls and appointments and at the same time help relay information and create and easy and straightforward way for the customers needs to be met. Vivo would create a better service experience through ease of use and guide the user to other services they might also need but not be aware of.  The customer’s own need is the starting point, not the city’s departments.

Touchpoints of Vivo services
Intergration with City of Helsinki Web service

Service Blue print : Vivo

 "The world is but a canvas to our imagination" Henry David Thoreau

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